Still working on finishing the west continent, the plan is to make the north a bit more civilized with the two cities and most of the settlements surrounding the the bay area.
Anyway here's a new series called 'Overlook', which will be a very large birds eye view of different lands in-game.

This island here used to be connected to the mainland but I made a small water passage that's a quicker way out of the bay than going around. The island is ideally a rural place and perhaps the home to barbarian raiders, making the way through very dangerous for the civilized nations trying to export goods by sea.


Real empty and desolate, just 4 barbarian villages and Aldcourt Bay town to the right.


Aldcourt Bay moved further south, the four villages are still in similar locations, made one of the villages a town.
More forested overall and with the focus on the bay area and the smaller sea path, the island is more important.
1/1/2014 11:44:25 am

Just wanted to say keep the work up, it's great.
I can also be available to help with some artwork for the loading screen, or something similar. I'm not too good with Triggers though, so don't count on me for any of that.

Cheers, keep up the good work.


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