So here's a overlook I forgot to put up, by the time you've seen this, a new ver (probably buggy) would have gone up with all the new remade terrain changes.
As you can see, much of the wooded center of the north is now a huge plains area, perfect for the steppe hordes.
There is little resources in this area, which is why most of the settlements are only in wooded areas and dot around the bay.
and the most important part... the bay - the big trade circle is the new mechanic 'flow of trade' which basically represents trade domination of one area.
Hopefully this bay region will be a good source of central'd roleplay and conflict.
There's two trade cities here:
The western city has a bigger port but is furthest away from the
'flow of trade cp', however, it is close to alot of villages with manpower, though those villages (which are barbarian) could be a problem if another player controls it.
The central city is closest to the 'flow of trade cp' but there are little settlement cps nearby, the owner of the central cp has the plains just south of him, which will mean he'll need to go beyond that and have spread out settlements. On the positive note, he can see all approaching enemies coming with ease.

There is a third contender, which is the castle to the right. Its the only castle in the north and it has a village with the same size port as the central city, there is a large forest to its right with a few settlements. Its proximity to the northern isle I showed you last time provides a problem but also a reward.
2/7/2014 09:18:53 pm

Very good job !


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